State Reducer

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๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ผ In this exercise, we want to prevent the toggle from updating the toggle state after it's been clicked 4 times in a row before resetting. We could easily add that logic to our reducer, but instead we're going to apply a computer science pattern called "Inversion of Control" where we effectively say: "Here you go! You have complete control over how this thing works. It's now your responsibility."
Your job is to enable people to provide a custom reducer so they can have complete control over how state updates happen in our <Toggle /> component.
As an aside, before React Hooks were a thing, this was pretty tricky to implement and resulted in pretty weird code, but with useReducer, this is WAY better. I โค๏ธ hooks. ๐Ÿ˜
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