State Reducer

One liner: The State Reducer Pattern inverts control over the state management of your hook and/or component to the developer using it so they can control the state changes that happen when dispatching events.
During the life of a reusable component which is used in many different contexts, feature requests are made over and over again to handle different cases and cater to different scenarios.
We could definitely add props to our component and add logic in our reducer for how to handle these different cases, but there's a never ending list of logical customizations that people could want out of our custom hook and we don't want to have to code for every one of those cases.
For example, imagine you've got a combobox component and by default when the user clicks out of the combobox, the menu closes. But then someone wants to prevent the menu from closing when the user clicks out of the combobox.
You can use the state reducer pattern to allow the user of your hook to control the state changes that happen when events are dispatched. Here's an example of what that may look like on the ComboBox component:
	stateReducer={(state, action) => {
		if (action.type === 'clickOutside' && state.isOpen) {
			return { ...state, isOpen: false }
		return state
	// ...other props
๐Ÿ“œ Read more about this pattern in: The State Reducer Pattern with React Hooks
Real World Projects that use this pattern: